Groundbreaking Technology

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The classical method of digging and finding stuff is actually being outcasted by this new technology. We have advanced the science to such an extent that we don’t even need human efforts to explore area lying deep inside and far from human’s reach. Just by sending out some lasers we could tell what lies beneath the surface.

Uncovering The Lowlands

One thing that LiDAR technology is unable to answer is about the exact origin of the Mayan civilization. The scanned images couldn’t tell the researchers about the proper location of the civilization through which they could actually make where this civilization started in the first place. “These features are so extensive that it makes us start to wonder: is this the breadbasket of the Maya lowlands?” Garrison expressed.

Mayan Descendants

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There was a theory that the Mayan civilization just vanished from the planet Earth but that’s not exactly true. In fact, you’ll be surprised to see that 42% of the population of Guatemala is from the descendants of the Mayan people. Still living in the same region where the civilization once existed. Today, there are between 20 million and 30 million people who are direct descendants from the Mayans and are living in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Against All Odds

It is very surprising to see a civilization flourishing when they didn’t even have livestock, no transportation, and no metal tools. Even then they were able to create such structures that could be found in several places in Central America. The Mayans even lived in very bad conditions and in constant fear of heavy storms. But still, they survived and lived for hundreds of years.

Changing Archeology Forever

The discovery has changed everything for the archeologist all over the globe. The scanned images from the above showed that the Mayans even had roadways system through which they transported the stones which were used in the architecture. These roads have told that the civilization was far more intelligent and knew how to survive with time.

Bigger Than England?

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To actually tell you how big in size the Mayan civilization was we could compare it with the modern cities. The civilization flourished the most between 250 AD and 900 AD. It’s believed that in the region where the Mayans lived was actually two times bigger in size of medieval England back then.