What A Time
The time during which the project work of the Kola Superdeep Borehole’s was put on halt occurred during the time the Soviet Union fell. And in the year 1995, the project shut down for good. These days, the site is flagged as an environmental hazard, but people who visit the site can go and learn about the relics from the experiment in the nearby town of Zapolyarny which is located about 6 miles further.
Deepest Man Made Hole
The work that had been put to go deep into the earth’s crust is something that still intrigues geologists and scientists everywhere. Even though we have gone very deep under the depths of the earth’s surface, there are still so many unanswered questions. This borehole remains the planet’s deepest man-made point and it would have to take other new researchers to go down even further…
Not A Complete Full Stop
So if you think that this is the final project that will ever take place in terms of drilling the earth’s surface, you are sorely mistaken. There are many researchers who feel that there are still so many mysteries that the earth’s hold from us deep inside. The race to the center of the Earth isn’t quite over yet. Many researchers and scientists have since tried to take up the project and further the digging that has already been done.
More Projects
So, on the world’s oceans day, there are drilling platforms from the International Ocean Discovery Program that have continually been set up to get deep beneath the seafloor. There have been efforts made to battle the obstacle of these failing equipment and the extreme temperatures to get to the bottom of other mysteries that the earth may hold from us. So the only thing we can do now is waiting for these project to see if the technological advancement today can lead to more information about the world that we live in.