We have all heard stories of weird houses. Some of you might have even witnessed some awkward activities in creepy areas in the night. Imagine a family of dogs who had been trapped in an abandoned house like that, with no food, water in cold, with no one to look after them. Most of us find dogs adorable.

When the rescuers came to know about these dogs, they went to the house and what they found inside, left them shocked. They accept it as one of the strangest experience of their lives.

Continuous Barking

There is an abandoned house somewhere in Missouri. None of the neighborhood kids even dare to venture near it.  No one knows how long it has been since the house has been abandoned. What makes the place look creepier is the fact that apart from being abandoned the house is partially caved in and a strange smell comes out of the place.

Imagine when from a place like this, people started hearing continuous barking. The barking did not even stop in the night. It went on like this when one day someone called the dog rescuers to see what the matter was.

Image result for puppy barking

Stray Rescue Of Saint Louis

An unknown person contacted the Stray Rescue of St. Louis so that they could come and rescue the dog that was there in this house. This organization is located in Missouri, the USA on the Pine Street. It was established in 1998 with the aim of taking care of all stray or abandoned animals and providing them with either families or foster homes. Currently, almost 300 animals they rescued are in foster homes. They prefer to look after innocent animals instead of euthanizing them needlessly. They believe that the lives of animals are as important as humans and we should not disregard these beings because they cannot speak for themselves.

None of these people could have known what they were going to witness in that abandoned house.

Randy And Donna

Randy Grim had rescued a number of homeless puppies and dogs for a long time. Then he found Stray Rescue of St. Louis in 1998 and since then this NGO has gathered the support of 1, 000 volunteers who rescue animals in need from across the city. Randy Grim said,“Pets from Stray Rescue seem to understand that they have a second lease on life. In return for a little affection and attention, these remarkable animals reward their new owners with a love and loyalty unmatched anywhere.”

When they received the call to rescue this dog from the house, he along with his companion Donna wasted no time and went ahead to help the dog in need. They did not know what awaited them.

Rushing To Help

Randy Grim and Donna were not concerned about the location of the house. All they cared about was the well being of this dog. They even started recording the entire incident on videos which can be found ahead in the slides. Randy’s first recorded video is of outside the house and he says that they could not spot the dog and that they thought there were newborn puppies there too. He said “Wish us luck” and with that, he took his camera out to record his entire rescue operation. He and Donna were not ready for what they saw in the house.There was no sign of any human in and about the house. All that could be heard was incessant barking which Randy and Donna guessed, came from the mother dog. As they drew nearer to the house, the stench coming from it overpowered them. They could just feel that something was wrong with the house. No wonder no humans came near it. The strong smell acted as the first barrier in the place. But that was not their only problem. When they finally made their way to the entrance, the duo encountered another issue.


When they reached the front door, Randy and Donna found that their path was blocked. There was a lot of mess, majorly some sort of wood that was blocking the entrance to the house. Meanwhile, they could hear the small but desperate bark of puppies and loud angry bark of what only could be their mom. Both started wondering about how they would get in. Then Randy had an idea, she thought that there is a chance that there was a back door to the house through which they could get in. But before they could start making their way to the back door, the mother dog lost it.Randy and Donna had located two puppies trapped in the wild bushes near the entrance. They started to coax them into coming towards them but just then trapped somewhere above the mother dog started barking angrily at these intruders. She did not know who these humans were and her overprotective motherly instincts came into play. She was warning Randy and  Donna to stay away from her puppies. But both these rescuers are trained. Instead of getting scared, they determined to enter the house somehow and find whoever else was trapped there. But nothing could have prepared them for the sight that greeted their eyes.