One Year Later

baby deer rescue

Darius Sasnauskas actually met the deer once again after a year following the rescue. He uploaded a YouTube video captioned “Baby deer a year after the rescue and release”. The video showed the now 11-month-old deer with her family roaming happily. Sasnauskas said the deer does not remember him and that she gets frightened when h approaches her. Sometimes an entire family of deer needs to get rescued as well.

Family Spots Something Strange

On one cold day in October, Tom Satre was with his family in Taku Inlet, that is over 7 miles away from Juneau, Alaska. He was enjoying the weather with his sister Sharon Kelly, his brother Tim Satre, and Tom’s daughter, Anna. While they were minding their own business and going about their day, they suddenly noticed a very strange sight with the use of their binoculars.

Swimming Deer!

tim satre

The family got closer to the scene hoping to see birds or maybe sea lions. They were about to get the shock of their lives as they were in fact deer! When they spotted 4 Sitka black-tailed deer that was approaching their boat, they were truly astonished. Tom Satre even said“They swam right toward the boat…then, they started to circle the boat. They were looking up and looked like they needed help.”

Getting Them Aboard

They obviously needed to be rescued. Tom Satre even said that they were “foaming at the mouth” and could hardly float. The deer were not adult deer yet. It was going to be a challenge to try and bring them up to the boat. Tom then made a lasso using a rope, fastened it around each of the deer’s neck, and the family joined forces to pull them on board.

Pure Exhaustion

The deer were surprising very cooperative. But their problems did not end just there. Each of the deer collapsed due to exhaustion after reaching the boat. Kelly Satre explained that “they couldn’t stand up on their own…they couldn’t shake the water off their coats.” She also said the deer “didn’t want to touch them, but it was clear they were happy to be there. They probably would have crawled on board if they could have.”

Returning Home

As the boat got closer to land, the deer were gaining their energy after basking the sun. They seemed to be happy that they got rescued. As soon as they reached the dock, one buck jumped onto the dock out of the boat. He then jumped into the water, swam to shore and finally entered the woods. Two other deer followed suit and had no problem going back. However, the fourth deer was having issues.