Moose are not the best pets to keep because they are big in size and also quite aggressive sometimes. But when you least expect it, the most ferocious animals tend to crave some love and affection. Erikas Plucas did not expect much when he saved an abandoned baby moose. He did not expect to experience such a change in his life when he saved the moose. Little did Plucas know that his life was going to be changed forever.

The Simple Life

Erikas Plucas was not someone that lived an extravagant life, nor was he someone that lived over the top. He was someone who was just living a simple life on a farm. Plucas lives in the Lithuanian countryside and enjoys the simple things in life like us city-folk.  His farm was situated near a forest so as you may have guessed, there were a lot of nature and wild animals present in his life.

Emma the Moose

A Peaceful Life

Plucas was not looking for the superficial things in life. He was not about the materialistic things that this world has to offer. He always felt that nature gave him peace and had always felt pastoral about spending his life far away from the chaotic lifestyle that the city offers. He was just going about his simple life when one day, an expected thing happened to him. It was like any other day with nothing much to mention when Plucas reached home. But all this changed when he met with a surprise at the front gate of his house. Plucas saw that there was a moose that was lying there with no one to turn to. He rubbed his eyes to see if he was hallucinating or not but got closer to realize that he was not dreaming at all, that the baby moose was in fact right there.

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Something Wrong

So in his head, there were many assumptions running around. He was sure that this moose must have probably reached his farm and was actually from the forest nearby. However, there was something that did not seem right to Plucas. He sensed that there was something wrong. When he went closer to inspect that moose, he found out the reason. Just imagine how shocked you would be if you saw a moose lying there right in front of your house. It was indeed shocking for Plucas to discover this. After he realized that the baby moose was really there, he looked around and checked to see if the calf was alone or not. To Plucas, the calf’s mother was somewhere around but even after a while, there was no moose to be found.

Image result for baby female moose

2 Weeks Old

So as soon as Plucas saw that the calf was all alone, he decided to take a closer look. Plucas went closer to the moose and was very cautious as he did not want to scare it. When he was near the moose, he could see that it was a female moose that may have been just over two weeks or so. Since her condition was not great, he could guess how the mother turned out. There was only one assumption that Plucas had at the back of his head. He believed that this female moose’s was away from her family.  So it soon ended up on the property of the farm.


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A Helpless Calf

“The first sight of her was not so good,” Plucas explained to the interviewers when he was first asked about the initial moment when he met the calf. Since it had gone through such a bad experience, the calf was in a very bad shape. So Plucas knew in his heart that in order to save the calf, he had to step in and help her. She was starved, dirty, sad, and her fur was infested with flies,” Plucas further explained as he spoke about how badly the moose was when he discovered her in his front gate. He said that the calf was not in a good shape, physically and mentally.

Image result for baby female moose