Have you heard of Richard Sandrak? Well, if you don’t, we don’t blame you because he is more popularly known as “Little Hercules.” He gained fame because as an 8-year-old boy, he had the most astoundingly sculpted body in the world. His determination and vigorous workout is something even adult bodybuilders would fail to execute. So let’s get behind what made Richard mold his body like that and see the most muscular kid in the world open up about his difficult lifestyle. Image result for richard Sandrak lifting weights

Way back on April 15 in the year 1992, Richard Sandrak was welcomed into this world in the country of Ukraine. He was born to world championship holder in the art of combat, Pavel Sandrak, and aerobics athlete Lena Sandrak. By the year 1994, his parents decided to uproot the family, moving to Pennsylvania. They did all this because they hoped that it would give a better opportunity in life for their son.

When they settled in Pennsylvania, his father started training Richard. He was just 2 years of age when his dad started making him get light weight training. Even at a very early age of training and working with lift weights, there was something about Richard that showed how good he was at it. This inevitably meant that he had a good chance of building a career in the future. Even at the tender age of 5 he would bench press 20 lbs.

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Richard Showed Serious Potential

When he was just two years old, everyone could see that Richard clearly had a knack for the sport. That’s when his dad made a sudden decision to move the family all the way to California. He knew very well that his son had a better chance in the sport there and that he would also gain exposure. He was confident that California would propel his son into fame.  As they were looking for the right gym to join when they initially moved to California, Richard’s dad wanted to be very selective. It was then that the duo met trainer Frank Giardina. Sandrak’s did not waste time and hired him to work as a mentor for Richard. Giardina then began working very closely with the boy and would stick with him for a very long time during his career. His 6 packs were enough to cause a sense of envy among even the best of body builders.

Time To Compete

So soon after, the hard work paid off. He was gaining more and more fame and hence he received the title “LIttle Hercules” at the gym he joined. He had been working really hard to shape his body and mold it in the best condition possible. Soon after, his father wanted him to compete in shows and competitions as he thought Richard would win for sure.  Even though as a kid, Richard had never been forced against his will to train, there were a few things she cleared up later as an adult. He admits that he had done a few odd training exercises that seemed unnatural to him when he looks back. He says that his father would often eat pizza right in front of him and made him eat lettuce in order to master self-discipline.

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Worldwide Attention

So when more people watched the documentary about Richard, there were so many people raising questions about the boy’s state of health both physically and psychologically. Since he was pushed to the extreme and controlled too much, there were some people who suspected that it may be too extreme. He clearly had no social life or social experience which is equally important for a boy his age. But he worked against all odds to become the youngest body builder in the world.

As we are all aware that having a zero percentage of fats in our body is not healthy, it would certainly not be good for little Richard too. There were so many people who began to question if Richard was actually using testosterone or other performance-enhancing drugs. A growing kid should not have zero fat in him. This would hamper the child in the later stages of his life.



Quitting Bodybuilding Entirely

But this little Hercules is now grown up and is chasing a New Dream. After just a few weeks that his father got arrested for laying hands on his mother, Richard decided to make changes in his life. He wanted to make a drastic decision of leaving behind his bodybuilding career. So in the end, he revealed that he, in fact, did not enjoy the strict discipline lifestyle that his father had planned for him. He did not like the sport even though it was apparent that he did. Richard also revealed that he had wanted to try so many other things when he was growing up. Unfortunately, his father was too controlling and strict that most of the time spent daily was at the gym, training, and sweating. He had always wanted to explore and try new things but his requests were always refused. But, he did discover something he loved soon after.
