Fate’s Hand

Charlotte Von Schedvin - A True Love Long Distance Relationship

Mahanandia became so infatuated with Von Schedvin’s beauty that he ended up spoiling her portraits each time he tried. He was also distracted by something he had forgotten about all these years: the prophecy. It had been 17 years since his mother told him about his prophecy. He was beginning to feel like this was about to come true after all these years.

Getting Curious

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Since his curiosity grew more and more, Mahanandia knew in his head that he had to ask her whether she owned a big forest or jungle. Although it would be such a random and weird question, he knew that he had to take this chance and ask her quickly. He wanted to be sure and did not want to miss his chance of finding out about his prophecy.

The Moment Of Truth

Charlotte Von Schedvin - A True Love Long Distance Relationship

So then Mahanandia mustered up the courage to ask the beautiful stranger Von Schedvin if she owned a forest. Her response totally shook him with amazement as she said that she did own a forest because her family was a part of the Swedish nobility. Then came the question of whether she was a Taurus or not. He proceeded to ask her this question again.

Her Reaction?

Von Schedvin Longing for India - A True Love Long Distance Relationship

Von Schedvin further shocked him as she told him that she was a Taurus and that she enjoys playing the piano and flute. Mahanandia expressed with broken English, “This is decided in the heavens! We were destined to meet.” Even though he just met her, he told her that she would be his wife. Mahanandia was so confident in his statement but how was Von Schedvin going to take all this?

Longing For The East

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Von Schedvin became a little puzzled by what Mahanandia meant when he said that everything was “decided in the heavens.” It became apparent that even she had a very strange feeling and connection to this Indian man she just met a few moments ago. She had always wanted to visit India and always had some sort of longing for the east, even as a child.

Elephant Boy

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Her fascination with India started when she was just 11 years old and her teacher screened the 1937 film Elephant Boy. Her love for Indian culture grew even more when she went to London witnessing the tribal dance from Odisha plus George Harrison and Ravi Shankar’s performance at The Royal Albert Hall. Even though she adored the Indian culture, was she going to take what Mahanandia said into serious consideration?