Yorkshire Terrier
This extremely tiny and cute breed can get struck with Hypoglycemia. Though this disease can be found in many other toy dogs, the chances of having it is high in the Yorkshire Terrier. Those with this illness are usually less energetic, have drowsiness and faints easily. The another in the list is the leg-Perthes disease that makes the femur bone weak. The most commonly found one is portosystemic shunt which is a blood vessel defect that leads to seizures, confusion, poor growth, and vomiting.
Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzers are known for having many eye disease that includes Severe cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, lens luxation and glaucoma. They suffer from epilepsy too and are vulnerable to heart diseases. If you have a Miniature Schnauzer in your house then you would have observed that they drink lots of water and meets with many accidents. It happens because they are prone to diabetes. So, in order to prevent your dog from developing, this health problem feed him healthy food and do not forget to give him doses of insulin.
German Shorthand Pointer
German Shorthand Pointer enjoys the lifespan of 12-14 years. They can easily fall victim to aortic stenosis, that narrows the aorta. The other not so serious disease includes gastric torsion, hypothyroidism, canine hip dysplasia, Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD), Von Willebrand’s Disease and pannus, and major issues such as lymphedema. They also adopt cardiomyopathy and progressive retinal atrophy. Though these are not serious health issues, the owner should not take them lightly and should immediately consult a veteran.
Great Dane
Like many other dogs on our list half of the disease in this canine is inherited. They develop hypoadrenocorticism, commonly known as Addison disease that destructs the hormones made by dog’s adrenaline gland. Bloat is another disease that is life-threatening and is extremely painful for them. Nobody could detect the cause of this disease as some believe it is inherited whereas some call it blood line related. The other illness in the line is dilation and volvulus that causes gas to them and can be too fatal for their health.
Shetland Sheepdog
The most dangerous disease that Shetland breed suffers is collie eye making most of them visually impaired or blind. Collie’s eye disturbs the optic nerve and retina that can lead to serious consequences. Unfortunately, no treatment for this disease has been found out by now. Epilepsy is another disease that can worsen their condition. Hip dysplasia and Legg-Calve-Perthes are the popular ailments among them. Next in the line is a cute dog that comes with many hazardous diseases you should surely know about.
Boston Terrier
Boston Terriers looks very cute with their bulging eye but those stuck out eyes are the root of many health issues in them. They get cherry eyes because of that. It resides at the back of dog’s eyelid that is responsible for the production of the tear. Like Maltese, Boston suffers from dental problem too. They can easily contract a virus and bacterial infections such as parvo, rabies, and distemper. One can not ignore the problem of obesity in them. Obesity is health hazardous in the sense that it gives way to metabolic and digestive disorders, back pain and heart disease.