Are you going away without me?


This is one of the sweetest photos that we’ve come across. The two dogs here, One inside the car and other out of it, It looks as if they are well aware of the imminent future and want to savor every last moment they have together. She’s bidding goodbye to her dear friend but we’re sure this separation won’t last long. Just hold on tight Honey.

I WILL get you in your sleep


This cat sure looks like a mean one. In fact, she looks capable of doing some serious damage. We wouldn’t do anything to nettle this feline.  This photo looks like it was taken minutes before the disaster struck. Perhaps a cat carrier would’ve been a good idea.

You think these restraints can stop me human?


Its quite clear where this kitten is right now, But what’s curious is how she ended up here. Maybe she had a little freak out upon witnessing the Vet or maybe she was a little shy of people poking around her belly. Whatever may be the case, we hope this session ends soon because this kitty does not look amused.

Not the vet again.


This guy seems to be suffering from a major episode of depression. Maybe his last trip to the vet didn’t end on a high note. He sure looks like he’s regretting humping every pillow in the house. We’re sure it’ll be over soon buddy. With some luck, you’ll only be wearing the cone of shame for a few weeks.

Are you sure you trust her with my paw?

tiny-dog-vet.jpgOML this tiny pupper is absolutely killing us! It may very well be his first trip to the vet and by the looks of it, it’s going very well. He’s a little bit worried as to why this stranger is poking around his paw. This is the fine example of those “Puppy eyes” for sure.

Before reaching the vet’s office vs. after


This picture here is the answer to the question “what would a dog whose all hopes have been crushed looks like?”, And we find this answer equally cute as it is heartbreaking. This puppy probably thought that he was going for a ride with his master to his favorite park or to get new toys. Little did he know about the disappointment waiting for him at the end of this journey.