Maybe 200 more of these and I’ll come out

I’ll Come Out For 500 More TreatsWhen all else fail its the treats trick that succeeds, but we think this guy has been bamboozled plenty of times before. He knows better than to fall for these petty tricks. Or maybe he just might consider coming out of that table for say 200 more of these. Maybe.

I’m fury, I’m vengeance!

Stay Back!

This fuzzy little guy looks no more than a few weeks old. He’s already eager to take on any vets trying to come his way. He won’t be stopped by anyone, maybe by a ball of yarn but once that has been decimated he shall continue his vendetta.

So this is your big surprise?

Really, Brenda?

The look on this corgi’s face is that of sheer disappointment. He had been coarse with the promises of treats and pets in the car, but on realizing where his owner ended up bringer him. This little guy looks like he developed a serious attitude and he is thoroughly unamused, maybe he wished to be taken back home before he starts throwing tantrums.

Don’t let go okay?

Will You Hold My Hand?

We are absolutely in love with this photo. It’s a sweet reminder of just how much these furry little guys love their humans. This doggo is completely straightforward with what he needed. He knows that the visit to the vet is inexorable and he knows that it’s good for him. At the same time, he’s also scared and what better way to fight off this fear than to hold hands with him delightful owner.

We’re WHERE?!!??!

We’re At The Vet?!??!

This cat looks like he’s got the surprise of his lifetime. what must have followed after one can only imagine. This chubby guy definitely didn’t expect that he would end up at the vet’s office today when he got up this morning. But life is full of surprises and we hope for him, this was the last surprise for the day.

The epitome of terror


The look on this kitty’s face is that of sheer terror, Her eyes almost popping out because of terror and her body completely stiff it sure looks like it has seen a ghost. With her owner standing behind mocking the poor felines misery, Even we couldn’t help but chuckle at this fuzz ball. It’s gonna be alright dear, vets aren’t as bad as you’re thinking.