Not Related

Here is another planned coincidence! All of these three “Hubbards” must have got tired of being called related to each other by the people. So, they decided to clear the cloud in the yearbook for once and for all. So it is clear now that they aren’t related. I am sure just like us, everyone has got the message.

Free Things

Here we have one of the yummiest quotes that also talks about worldly pleasures. The best thing in life are free such as love, kisses, friendship, long walks to the freezer to have cake. Did you find it odd? Why? This is what this freshly graduate boy thinks.


One of the many things girls are very conscious about is their hair. You can spot her twirling with her hair while talking about something interesting or scratching her head while being confused, struggling to keep it back while facing a strong wind and all this looks really good on her. But there are a few who do not let others even get an idea of how their hair actually looks like, let alone haircut.

Mean Quote

This one is really mean. Alixandra has been complimented a lot for her exceptional sense of humor but little do those people know that what she says is actually what she means. 

Doing It My Way

Funniest Yearbook Quotes of All Time — 32It relates well to the time when your mother asks you to do something and you just don’t wanna do that but still you have to. That time you can put this idea in use. It will deprive your mother of the confidence to ask you again. You can do this thing not only to your mother but to anyone.

What Art Says

Funniest Yearbook Quotes of All Time — 34Art has written a very non-artistic thing in the yearbook. He just can’t believe that whatever he writes would get published in the yearbook. So just to confirm he wrote this.