This show displayed the intricate details of the life of prosecutors and detectives. With its first episode airing in the year 1990, the show became a fan-favor...
When celebrities have children, it is absolutely natural for the public to want to know how they turn out. Some of the kids of these celebs have cottoned onto t...
The Hollywood is the hub of beautiful people. We sometimes wonder how do they manage to get such beautiful looks combined with exquisite talent. Rare combo! Wel...
It is amazing what musicians can do with words. But it is also very obvious that any creative process involves drawing inspiration from some place or some perso...
Owning a sports team is a dream any fan has and if you have the money to do so, you can actually achieve the dream. When it comes to owning a sports team, you n...
"Night Court" is one of the most successful shows that ever aired on NBC. In the eight years it ran, from 1984 to 1992, it was nominated for two Golden Globe Aw...
Mel Brooks' comic masterpiece, which is still popular today as one of the funniest movies ever made, "Blazing Saddle" has a lot of stories to offer from behind ...
The Golden Globe Award ceremony is one of the most auspicious occasion when it comes to celebrating great television and films of the year. This year was no exc...
Living in the middle of the woods, cut off from the noise and pollution of the city streets is a dream every homeowner has. Peace, calm and tranquility are in p...
No matter how good of a neighborhood one lives in, it's inevitable to find that one oddball of a neighbor who just makes one question their existence. It is alw...
The United States' Navy is one of the most highly equipped and efficient navy forces in the world. The credit for it goes to the gigantic ships that they've bui...
Compassion is something that we humans, being the 'master' race of this planet, lack. However, it is not difficult to learn lessons in compassion if you look at...