Unplanned pregnancy is a very common medical term and it is even more common to the beings on this planet as well. Although adoption of dogs is fairly common, b...
The celebrities are just slaying with their glamour and beauty in Hollywood. Their incredible looks will force you to guess their heritage and what culture they...
Boeing 787 is a blessing for those who don’t like long and noisy traveling. It came to the picture when it flew in 2009. This giant body is adorned with several...
There have been countless inventions made by humans on this earth. Some of these inventions and ideas have proven to be quite useless while some have revolution...
Never Felt Like Twins
They stopped wearing same outfits. They never looked same so there was no point to make them wear identical clothes. Lucy clarifies “We d...
The world we live in is full of flaws and unfair means. If we look around us, it is most likely that we come across something that is not right. We have countle...
Have you ever wondered how life in the navy is like for women? It is physically very tough for men so for a woman to be in the navy would have to mean that they...
The best and the worst thing about life is that it is unpredictable. You could be having the best moment of your life and within seconds that day could turn int...
Time changes, so do the people, err, dogs! Yes, they change a lot, by change here I mean the literal one. Today we are going to dig in the past and find out wha...
Sometimes the most interesting things remain hidden in plain sight. There are a lot of things that often get unnoticed because we never pay attention to our sur...
This man went to a restaurant and noticed something strange with the waitress. But, it was a mind-boggling sight for everybody sitting around, when the man retu...
There has been a lot of claims that animal shelters are equivalent to a jail for humans by multiple animal lovers who advocate for their cases, but is there any...