Curious Nature

The rangers became more and more curious as to why the baby elephant was all alone in the bushes with no adult elephant by its side. The rangers stopped their jeep, got down and started looking around for clues that may help them find out why the little elephant was left behind. How could a whole herd go on without their little one was a big question that the rangers were asking themselves because it was very rare. One of the ranger set down canisters for water and discovered something.

Stuck In A Well

The ranger saw that there was actually a very deep well right next to the place where the baby elephant was standing. They could quickly assume that it had fallen into the well and its family had to leave it behind. The ranger felt very sorry for the poor elephant for having to go through such a sad experience. They felt really sad for the little (not really) one and wondered how long it must have stayed there without food or water. The quickly took some water in a bowl for the elephant to drink.

Staying Hydrated

We all know that Africa is one of the hottest places in the world when it comes to climate. The rangers knew that the baby elephant would be parched from the heat as it appeared that it may have been stuck there for quite some time. How terrified this baby elephant must have been to be stuck there all alone with none of the elderly elephants to keep him safe and protect him. They did not want it to get dehydrated so they made it drink some water. The cute animal was a little frightful when they surrounded it.

Feeling Comfortable

The rangers did not want the baby elephant to be so timid or be scared of them. They tried their best to try and soothe the baby elephant, calm him and tried to make him feel more comfortable. Their attempts failed as the elephant was not calming down at all. In fact, it started to wiggle around and move about causing the rangers to scratch their heads in wonder. Then, one of the rangers spotted something in the bushes and realized why the elephant could not stay still.

The Elephant’s Family!

The ranger was filled with amazement to see the baby elephant’s family behind the bushes. It appeared as though the elephant’s family was making their way further and further away from where the baby elephant was found. They did not seem to care or notice that one of their young ones was stuck behind. If you think about it, this is a very peculiar act coming from the herd of elephants because they are known to be very loyal and extremely close to their family members. None of the elephants were looking for it.

Keeping The Baby Elephant Safe

As the rangers thought up of plans to help the baby elephant find its way back to family or vice versa, one of them had a brilliant idea. They tied the baby elephant to a tree to ensure that it was not left behind by the entire family. Even as human beings, it is would be a traumatic ordeal to have to go through separation with your parents, right, so just imagine how the baby elephant must have felt. It would have been so overwhelming for the baby elephant to go through this.How do you think it felt when the rangers did this to it?