“Dad, Aren’t You Forgetting Something?”

So Jeremy had one job; dress his little daughter Olivia and drop her to the daycare. Jeremy, as can be seen, is not really aware of the fact that kids are supposed to be wearing a shirt or a t-shirt under overalls. His messages convey it quite clearly. Question is can you forgive the dad for not knowing what goes under the overalls? In his defense, he didn’t even know what the hell overalls are.

Fun fact about this picture:  It became quite viral on the internet and even Ellen DeGeneres showed it on her daytime show and millions of people had a hearty laugh at Jeremy’s ignorance.

“That’s Scary Dad! WTF is it?”

Some parents make sure to read a bedtime story to their kids. It’s a healthy practice, not only does it makes the child go to sleep but also works up the imagination of the kid. Today mom told the dad to read a bedtime story to their kid as she was too tired. If she only knew that the kid was being scarred before age she would have never given the task to the dad.

The baby was visibly confounded and surprised at these new illustrations in dad’s storybook which were so different from the stories mom told the baby. Wonder what story the dad was constructing.

Dad (Failing At) Hairstyling

I have seen in the movies and read in the books that it is usually the mother who give their little boys a haircut. They seem to know what they are doing. Why do they seldom show the dads doing the same? The image is a solid proof why? This dad was probably a Mahatma Gandhi fan. He shaved his little boy’s head only from the middle just to see how he would look. This only shows that the dad was only concerned about having his own fun and what his boy’s friends would say when they saw him.

Tucked Too Tight

Mastering the art of swaddling is no easy task. Parents spend hours in parenting classes to learn it and even then when the baby comes along it is one of the hardest things to do. This dad, tired of learning to do the right way employed the wrong one. But we gotta agree that he nailed it; there is no way that baby is going to get out of this wrap, not until it is sleeping at least. This dad might just have taught you a new hack.

Evil Genius

This dad turned out to be an evil genius. Just to get rid of the little notorious baby girl he set up a free yard sale! It is funny how a living human being is placed between random stuff like shoes and mops. We are sure that this dad did not really sell his daughter for free and this was just a gimmick for a funny picture!