Love At First Sight

Rocky 17 Year Old Senior Dog And His Family

Rocky was actually a stray dog, who ended up at the shelter home six times in a gap of just three years. A young couple visited the shelter he lived in just to drop off a carload of donations, but they decided to take a quick walk through to see the dogs put up for adoption. There, Rocky grabbed their eyeballs—and without giving it a second thought adopted him.

Old But Hopeful

Rocky 17 Year Old Senior Dog Adopted For Christmas

“When you go to an animal shelter and bring home a senior dog, you’re giving a beautiful, life-changing gift—not only to the dog but also to yourself”, that’s how Rocky’s new mother feels. She and her husband brought Rocky home fully aware of the certain obstacles in the road ahead.

Finally, A roof over his head


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It is really soothing to know that he will finally have a roof over his head even at the last phase of life. Whether they’ve had to spend the most part of their lives in a shelter, going through abuse or neglect, or had to say goodbye to at least one family in the past, senior dogs have often bear far more than their fair share of heartache.

Don’t Lose Hope


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Rocky’s new parents have a very positive approach on life, spend most of the time they have with Rocky and they claim that he is a fantastic example that it’s never too late and that the best is yet to come!

Rocky’s Animal Shelter

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Rocky was adopted from the shelter home, Friends of Anne Arundel County Animal Control, Inc. located in Maryland. Visit their page to find out more or to make a donation in favor of pets in need, if you can.

Sometimes celebrities make the full use of their stardom to help the needy. Such is the case of Bear the dog, helped out by the famous comedian Ricky Gervais…

Ricky Gervais To The Rescue


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A dog named Bear might be leading a sad life but the British Comedian and Television star Ricky Gervais decided to light up his dull life by adopting him. Now, he is all set to spend a pleasurable life with the comedian.