Beneath The Surface

96-Year-Old Woman sells home

Now what’s left was to get a green flag from the home inspector after which the house will be verified as well as ready to meet its potential buyers. Joyce and the real estate agents Carla and Gladys were as tensed as a student on his annual result day, but the inspector’s words surprised them all. The inspector confirmed that Joyce’s house was in an immaculate condition, and was ready to hit the market.

The War

After the house had been verified, Carla and Gladys immediately rushed back to their office to list Joyce’s home for $699,000. It had only been minutes and the property had attracted multiple bids from potential buyers. Once they knew what lied inside at 148 Jane street they had this urge of getting that place anyhow. But it wasn’t only the potentially active buyers who were eyeing this masterpiece, the ones who didn’t even thought of investing in the real estate at the first place were drawn to this place like a moth to a flame.

A Museum Or A Home?

96-Year-Old Woman sells house

It’s not everyday one gets to witness such things- like Joyce’s home which would take you back to the early ’40s without needing any time machine. It was also the reason as to why this story met widely with the media and went viral. Everyone was astonished to know how Joyce’s diligent efforts had preserved this piece of history and the house became an overnight internet sensation. However, there was one noticeable change Joyce had made in her home.

The Renovation

96-Year-Old Woman

Joyce admitted that she had made drastic changes in her kitchen. The kitchen was remodeled in the 1960s as it had to be re-equipped with new gadgets to meet the modern day standards. Which makes sense as using 70-year-old appliances in the 21st century would be like asking for trouble. Moreover, Joyce stated that the appliances installed in the 1960s were still fully functional which didn’t come across as a surprise given that how meticulously Joyce had taken care of her home.


96-Year-Old Woman

Joyce was a self-proclaimed interior designer, and if you look at the interior of her house you have got to agree with the old lady. What she pulled off at her residence is nothing short of a wonder. Wait! It must strike you as to why a woman at the age of 96 was selling a place where she had spent her entire life. After contemplating for a while, Joyce decided to sell her home and take homage in a retirement community. “I want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.” She said.


There were a lot of things Joyce loved doing and she was certainly good at them given the history she’s had with the self-decoration of her house. While she never thought of pursuing it as a career, there was something else she did before her retirement. Joyce was a seamstress. When asked that why she never thought about turning her well-endowed skills into a profession, she replied, “I’ve always tried to be individual, and follow my own styles.”