The Cat Was Insistent

“He turns around and looks at me and goes ‘meow’ and sits down and waits for me to go to the door,” Swayze had said. She hesitated initially but then as time went by and the cat showed no signs of backing down, Fran got curious.
Bandit’s Bizarre Way

Swayze went on saying, “Bandit goes to the door and lets out a big ‘meow.’ I said, ‘No.’” But Fran explained that the cat was so relentless and behaved very strangely, “[Instead] of him walking around the atrium like he normally does, he walked straight down [to the far end of the building.”
Bandit’s Sudden Odd Behavior

So she finally followed the cat down the hall. The cat showed signs that he wanted to lead his master somewhere. Then, without warning, Bandit sprang away and into the railings its head went looking down into the atrium.
A Surprising View

Fran followed suit and she also peeped down the balcony to a shocking discovery. There lay a woman on the garden grounds with a phone next to her. She seemed to be in pain and was not really moving much.
Hearing Her Call

The woman was actually calling for help and Swayze believes Bandit might have been able to hear her call. “How he could hear her, I don’t know,” she admitted to CBS Dallas/Fort Worth. It was fortunate that he heard her so Fran could get help,
Their Neighbor

Mary Baker was Fran’s neighbor. Baked owned a dog Sugar who had to do his business that very night. After Sugar was done, they were on their way back to their house but Baker was not able to complete the journey in the end.