We all have bad days, but some of us sometimes, have days worse than bad days. These people below were having one of those days. And obviously, they aren’t happy about it. However, their plight is so bad that is funny and will totally make your day better with a hearty laugh. So enjoy at others’ expense and try to not let ANY of this happen to you. EVER. Because it’s not funny when you are the one in the situation!

Winter Just Came

Heavy storms can cause water leaks. Unfortunately for this guy, the parking lot water pipe broke right above his car, during a snowstorm. It must have been spine chilling cold out there to have frozen water in its motion like that. Alas, there is no way for this guy to have his car come out unscratched if he breaks the ice. Unless, he waits for the spring, good for the environment though, another man would be using public transport.

Cemented In Place

To be fair, it was no fault of the car owner. He parked the car in front of his house, little he could have known that cement would not only be spilled on his car but render it incapable of movements. The bonnet of the car cannot be opened now, not until science has discovered a way to melt cement. Hope the guy had car insurance, given that companies provide insurance for accidental cement spill.

That Must Burn

Fire should be kept away from literally everything- children, clothes, animals, plastic, and Macbooks. Why does one need to light a candle in front of a laptop? In case of electricity failure, isn’t the light from laptop enough? Also, HOW DID THE CANDLE FLAME EVEN MANAGE TO BURN A HOLE IN A SCREEN!!??

Umm, No You Don’t

Irony just died a million deaths. The bystanders and people passing by must have had a hearty laughter after noticing this Halford’s truck whose tagline is “we fit”, did not really fit everywhere. We hope that the poor guy in the white car is alright. The truck seemed to have blocked it leaning on it. And Halfords should get trucks that ACTUALLY fit.

What Are The Walls For?

Their kid is at that age where it has discovered the colors but not learned to use it on paper. Consequently, it considers every surface to be its colors book even this expensive Mac screen. Apart from buying their child a coloring book now, these parents would learn to hide their permanent markers. As for the artistic scribble on the screen and keyboard, hope these people are rich enough to buy a new one because these marks are NOT coming off!

Door To Door

Bet you did not know that your car door can split into half without you using an ax. Well, surprise! It can. This person found it out the hard way. Hope they managed to get their door attached back normally. How did this happen anyway?! Some mischief? Faulty car model? An act of a supreme power?

Tied Down

I anyway find the concept of securing a bike by locking it on the pole kinda weird. a) Thieves have upgraded to steals cars and MOTORbikes now, b) it’s really not that secure to chain a vehicle to a pole. Anyway, this guy doesn’t have to worry about getting his bike stolen anymore. More worrisome is the fact- how to get it out SECURELY from the pole. Do bikes have insurances?