Vintage Contraceptives

If things found from past reflects the life people had in the past then we might say that the guys from the past might have been good at forgetting things. And we were able to arrive at this conclusion after finding this contraceptive that is at least 70 years old.


You got to feel sad for this poor guy who might have bought this and could not use it because he forgot after keeping it at someplace safe. The founder of these contraceptives might use them and save some money but we can assure you the return on investment might be seen after 9 months!

10 Year-Old-Banana

No this isn’t any kind of relic from past or some newly discovered species!

Well, we don’t know about you but until the time we weren’t told what this thing was, we couldn’t guess what it is. We wouldn’t want to give you any spoiler so we would reveal the truth in the next one.


Have you ever wondered why it is always said at stores that we should consume the bananas within a week of purchase?

This is what a banana looks when it isn’t consumed even after a decade from when it is purchased. We don’t think that it is in a state to be consumed but you could take a chance. 

Baby Birds

We don’t know about anyone else but we have only seen a bunch of hatchlings like the one in the aforestated image in cartoons. We never thought that we would ever be able to come across them in real life or even in pictures until I came across this picture.

Adorable Chicks

 However, the thing that is so uncommon about this image is that the bird laid their eggs in the grill. We don’t know about anything else but we don’t think that a grill is a safe place for Mama bird to lay eggs. But no one could do anything to them other than staring them because they are so adorable that it isn’t easy to take our eyes away from them.