Two Of Every Kind

Image: AFP/Obviously, everyone knows that in the Bible, Noah was told to build an ark large enough to house two of every animal on earth, in order to save the species from extinction and to start the world anew. Huibers, who was inspired from this story, wanted to follow everything to the best of abilities.

Exactly Like That

Image: AFP/In order to fully turn it into a reality, he filled the structure with life-size plastic sculptures of the animals that Noah is supposed to have saved. Obviously, it needed a mind addicted to attention to detail and a lot of investment. Fortunately, Huibers possessed both in abundance.

Very Costly

Image: AFP/Though the animals were made of plastic, it cost a lot to him. Just take the example of the life-size elephants that he installed on the ark, which cost him $11,000. For, Huibers it was just another challenge thrown by The Lord, which he had to overcome.

Real Animals Too!

Image: Stringer/Amazingly, the ark was a home to a number of real animals too. Consisting mostly of birds, such as parrots, peacocks, and pheasants, there were also some rabbits on the vessel. It was a very good place for the children to play, along with, gaining knowledge of their religion.

Plenty Of Attractions

Image: Michel Porro/Apart from the animals, the ark had other interesting diversions too. For example, the ark also houses a restaurant and two cinemas, along with plenty of information relating to the flood story. It was a place guaranteed to give the visitors a time of their life.

More Plans

Image: Michel Porro/The enormous vessel is currently located in the town of Dordrecht in the Netherlands, but perhaps not for much longer. A man who likes to chase his curiosity, Huibers has something more exciting to surprise his visitors with. achieved. According to Huibers, work of the lord is never done!