Not everything goes according to the plan because there are some things that are out of our hands. We are mere humans who live under certain limitations. But as they say, whatever happens, happens for a specific reason, must be true, because going by this story where this guy bought an artifact which he knew held some great history behind it, did something extraordinary with it that left everybody speechless around him. Even the auctioneers were surprised after they heard the plan he had in his mind from the start. There were lots of possibilities and discussion but this guy didn’t listen to anybody and eventually carry forwarded his plan that is worth reading. What did this guy do? You’ll find out really soon.

The Auction

This anonymous bidder heard about this amazing piece that was put on auction and he knew what he needs to do next. He knew the significance and was ready to go at any length for it. It is said if you want something dearly in your life than the universe makes things happen for you. The same happened to him. But what he did next is something unbelievable.

Auction Day

He went to the auction and was eagerly waiting for the specific item. It was a busy day at the auction as there were several items up for bidding. But nothing made him curious because he knew for what he came for. He heard the auctioneer announcing the item he has been waiting for. It was time, he thought. But it won’t be that easy as he thought it would be.

Too Much Competition

Just like this guy, there were many people who knew about this amazing piece. He could sense the urgency around him when the auctioneer announced the item. He could see how people became so attentive and the room was almost quiet and he could hear his own heartbeat that was beating rapidly due to all the excitement.

Unexpected Turn

The item was up and most of the eyes were on it. He was sitting at the back of the room and the item wasn’t clearly visible to him but he was able to see it on the big TVs that were placed around the room. He was staring at the item and he was shocked to realize that auction had already started. The people inside the room was already bidding on the item and he thought it was late for him and because of his nervousness and lack of attention, he lost the bid. A man sitting on the front row won the bidding and he could see how happy he was. But he wasn’t ready to lose because he had an amazing plan for the item.

All The Convincing

He wouldn’t have kept the item as a showpiece in his house as many people do. He had something else on his mind and to fulfill that he needed the item in his hands. The person who bought the item was sitting in the front row and was about to leave because the item for which he came for was already with him. He went to the person who won the bid and told him everything about his plan with the item. What this person who won the item did next was unbelievable.

It Was Destiny

He wasn’t ready to lose the item, so he went to the guy who now owns the item he was seeking and told him everything that was on his mind. The man was could see how serious he was for the item he wants to own so dearly. It’s a fact that nobody can change destiny and what has been written will come to your way one way or the other. The man obliged his request and was ready to sell the item. But the price he asked for the item was something he never thought he would have to pay. But he was ready for that and paid the guy $39,975. He was now the proud owner of this beautiful and amazing item and could see his dream come true. He was now ready to take the next step.