
Weimaraner, also known as the gun dog, was originally bred to assist in hunting the large game(boar, beer, and deer) by royalty in the 19th century. They are very large in shape and stays active. They can be dangerous to children as their hunting instinct stimulates presence of small creatures. In order to channelize their high energy, they should be kept busy in continuous physical activities.

In December 2009, a 2-year-old boy was bitten to death by his male Weimaraner pet. The victim was the native of Florida.     

Australian Shepherd

First of all, Austrailian Shepherd has a misleading name as it traces its history back to the Western United States, not Austrailia. Commonly known as “Aussie” earlier they were bred to serve as disaster rescuers and watchdogs. They like other breeds on the list are highly energetic and hence needs to be involved in frequent physical activities. The exercise is must, as if not done on regular basis they can develop behavioral problems. The other problem with this species is that they are standoffish to strangers and takes a lot of time to gel up with their owner. Furthermore, the dog can be dangerous with the young kids as they usually mistake him as a part of their pack.

Siberian Husky

This breed has inexhaustible energy. They were primitively used as sled dogs and hunters. They are usually kid-friendly but sometimes can prove detrimental if not paid required attention. This double coated fur animal is also known as the escape artist, thanks to their image of egressing fences by digging and jumping over them. They should be given consistent training to prevent them from becoming disobedient. Despite the fact that they now live as domesticated animals, they still have that hunter instinct in them that can pose challenges to the owner.

A Siberian Husky used for the dogsled business by a family mauled their newborn son to death in 2012. This tragic incident took place in Alberta, Canada.


Affenpinschers are popular for their notorious, stubborn and curious attitude. This furry tiny beast will entertain you with its activities. Because of their small size and furry body, the children usually mistake them for a toy and tends to mistreat them. Affenpinschers usually does not retaliate to kid’s mishandling but sometimes can turn violent if not feeling comfortable. They should be trained with a strong leadership because any display of weakness from the side of the owner can provoke the dog to become insolvent.  

Chow Chow

Who would not love a dog like this in their house? They look very cute but are equally dangerous. If you have a family that includes kids then you must rethink your decision of having it. Though they are cute and cuddly, they are very big in size and can unintentionally knock over your kid while playing with them. They require strong leadership and are over possessive about their owner.

In Arizona, a two-week-old girl baby was bitten to death by their family pet chow dog in 2009.  

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hounds are big in size. Because of their imposing physique and strong will, they have been used as a watchdog and hunter. They tend to get destructive, so the owner should have good leadership skills in order to train them. Their big size often is a problem to the family with toddlers as they can knock the kids down while interacting with them. Moreover, they can misunderstand the playful nature of kids as an attack and can retaliate violently. The owner should remain calm and patient while dealing with this furry canine.