Overly Anxious Contestant

Harvey began to worry about this contestant. As the contestant was not having any luck, it was making things even worse. “He had played three days and didn’t win the money,” Harvey explains in the footage, adding, “He was just a wreck.” Obviously, not winning money on a game show is disappointing, but this captain was uncomfortably anxious.

  Excessively Happy

In the end, the contestant managed to rake up a sum of $20,000. His reaction was unexpected. “He just fell on his knees and wouldn’t stop crying,”Harvey explains to the crowd in the video. While obviously $20,000 was a lot of money, Harvey thought it to be a little dramatic, fueling his curiosity.

A Shocking Response

He decided to approach him after the show winded up. He straightaway asked why the man was in such a state of bliss after winning the money. The contestant’s response sent Harvey into a confused spiral. In the clip, Harvey tells his audience about the moment of truth. “He said,” Steve, I’m terminally ill. I’ve got three months to live, and because of my illness, I cannot get insurance. I need this money for my family”.

Harvey Steps In

Even the crowd was surprised, responding collectively with a gasp. After finding out the reason, he felt extremely bad for the contestant that he offered money out of his own expense. In addition to the Family Feud prize money, Harvey gave him no less than $25,000. It was a lot more than the family had won, over five grand to be exact.

A Generous Man

Steve Harvey is now a rich entertainer. According to financial website Celebrity Net Worth, as of May 2017, Harvey has an extremely impressive $120 million after liabilities had been factored in. He can credit his popular books and his work in Hollywood for all the money he has made. But plenty of it has been accumulated from his Family Feud paychecks. It does not come to be a big surprise especially if you know more about Mr. Harvey.

His Humble Beginnings

Steve Harvey is a charitable man. Why, even he has experienced receiving help back in the day. During the 1980s, Harvey was a hustling stand-up who was practically homeless. He would sleep in his car in between comedy gigs and wash at gas stations or public swimming pools. Only the kindness and generosity of others helped him get through those hard times.