Hidden treasures are a source of constant curiosity. There are treasures that were hidden centuries ago and have still not been discovered like the famous Dutchman’s treasure. This is a story of a treasure quite recently hidden by a person who is still alive. You might have heard of him or not but the history of what the treasure is and how it got to be there is fascinating.

The Location Of Mystery

Suddenly, visits to the Rocky Mountains have increased in the past few years. It is because it is rumored that hidden somewhere in 1,000 miles stretch of the Rocky Mountains from Santa Fe, New Mexico to the northern border with Canada, is a treasure chest. Containing wealth, antiques and gold of millions of dollars. Explorers and treasure hunters from around the world are trying their best to find this treasure. But who hid it there? And why did he do it? He is still alive, then how has no one managed to get the information out of him? Well, the Rocky Mountains or the Rockies, cover over 3000 miles from Canada to New Mexico in southwestern America. It is believed that a treasure chest is hidden somewhere in these mountains worth millions of dollars.

forrest fenn fenns treasure

The Riches

The treasure obviously had gold coins, nuggets, and ancient gold artifacts but apart from these, there were also rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds. So much so for precious stones. What’s different about this treasure is that there are also  Chinese jade, pre-Columbian gold figurines and other historical artifacts which are worth a fortune in themselves. If the treasure has not yet been discovered how do we know about the contents? The one who hid it told us himself.

The Man Behind It All

Forrest Fenn is a famous person with an interesting past. He was born in Texas in 1930 and that’s where his story begins. Right after high school, he became a part of the military as he had strong patriotic instincts. He managed to make a place for himself in the US Air Force. Fenn was awarded the Silver Star for his services to the US military. He retired from the service and returned to America.

A New Start

To start afresh Forrest Fenn moved to New Mexico where he built a life entirely different from the one he had till now. He started buying sculptures from struggling artists and cast them in bronze. It was 1988 and Forrest Fenn found out that he had cancer. Even though he eventually fought it off but it got him thinking about his legacy. It was during his illness that he came up with the idea of creating a treasure chest containing the rarest pieces of his collection from all over the world.

Where Is It?

The Rocky Mountains are a large mountain range. So that people do not scatter all around the place rather than moving towards, move away from the radius of where the treasure is hidden. Fenn closed the boundaries for them. Somewhere at the end of The Thrill of the Chase Fenn specifies the location of the chest as somewhere in the eastern Rockies. This could mean any of the places from Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming or even Montana.

Keep Looking But Be Safe

At the end of it, all Fenn wants people to find the treasure so all you explorers go out there, have fun and be safe! Who knows you might stumble upon the treasure when you least expect it! So that the treasure hunters do not lose hope Fenn keeps on telling them that the treasure is still out there and that some people have come as close as 200ft of the treasure!