History is full of secrets. Some secrets when later unveiled, changed the course of that history. The government has been successful in keeping the existence of a lot of places and projects under wraps, even today. Some decades ago, some activities started happening in one of the places in the U.S. When the secret came out, not only the world but the residents of the place were left shocked too.

Unexplained Eviction

The year was 1942, and a lot of residents in the eastern part of Tennessee’s Anderson and Roane counties found an eviction notice on their front doors. The people who had been residents of the county for many years were simply told to leave immediately and were offered a very petty compensation in exchange for their ordeal. But why did this happen? The residents had no clue why they were being forced to leave their settlement of many years and back then they did not even know that it was the government who issued the evacuation. The government was planning something and the county was supposed to be the location of the secret projects- and these went on to become one of the most secretive ones in the history of the country.

Overnight Mystery

The once quiet county was now bustling with activities. Construction was going on at an unbelievable pace and no one from the neighborhood had any idea what the purpose of all this was. In less than a year, 1943, an entirely new town, seemingly mysteriously appeared in place of the houses of the previous residents. It seemed that it all appeared overnight as if conjured out of thin air. The new town that popped up overnight was called Oak Ridge and the original plan was to accommodate about 13,000 people there. Those who were constructing the town didn’t talk among themselves let alone with others.

No Trespassers Allowed

Only personnel who had the authority to be at the place were allowed on the grounds on Oak Ridge and a lot of measures were taken to let the common people know that the place was NOT for them. There were signs such as “Prohibited Zones” and “Restricted Areas” at small distances so that people knew that they were not welcome.

The Truth Outted

Oak Ridge was the headquarters of an entire project, later known as the Manhattan project. After escaping from Italy and Germany, scientists Enrico Fermi and Albert Einstein came to the U.S where they influenced the American government to keep their nuclear pursuits under wraps.

Famous Legacy

Oak Ridge is the birthplace of a lot of famous celebrities including Megan Fox, Elaine Hendrix, and the famous astronaut William Shepherd. The government successfully hid the secret of Oak Ridge for a lot of years, the nagging question is, what other things is the government hiding.