On The Internet

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Yasmin was speaking about the disapproving people who would give menacing eyes, “You can tell people are staring when you get out of the car and stuff like that, but nobody had actually said anything before, let alone left a note. When I put my badge up I feel like I have to walk out of the car limping.” The internet was the perfect place for dear Yasmin so she was venting like never before.

Spreading Awareness
Bringing Awareness

This post was her chance to enlighten people about the kind of illness she was living with. Since it was not a common condition, Yasmin wanted to be able to speak about it in the hopes that people would get more familiar with it. Her intention was aimed at shattering the outdated idea of what disability looks like. Some people’s disabilities are evident physically while others could be internal.

Differently Disabled

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Yasmin was speaking about how people should open their minds and understand that there are people who are handicapped differently. “I shouldn’t have to feel like that because there is an illness there, but it just doesn’t show. Just because I’m not in a wheelchair or have a visible ailment, it doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to use a disabled space,” she explained.

Finding Strength
Finding Stength

It was really a blessing in disguise for her to receive the note as it actually pushed Yasmin to find her voice and her strength. Until that time, she was just living and minding her own business never addressing her inner frustrations. She revealed, “It’s not all bad though because after posting about the note on social media, the reaction from people on Facebook has been amazing.”

Her Way Of Responding

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She aims to raise awareness about her illness to those who may not be aware of it. She wants people to learn that some people have medical conditions that are critical, working from the inside. Disability does not always mean a physical deformation. Also, since the person who had kept the note on her windshield did not leave a name or a number, this was her way of responding constructively.