Mere Cramps And Allergies?

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For the young girl starting out her independence and adulthood, this seemed like a minor complication that would fade soon. Yasmin considered this to just be cramps and allergies. She did not really look into it nor did she really get affected by it. However, the 19-year-old was soon about to realize that this way more serious than she thought. It was truly a turn in her steady life…

Getting Sicker
Getting Sicker

Since she thought of these as mere allergy symptoms, Yasmin was not paying much attention.
She did not think that it would ever lead to anything serious or life-threatening. She would take antihistamines and painkillers to relieve herself from these problems. They would fade for some time but then the same symptoms would keep persisting. It was getting quite alarming.

Getting Serious

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The symptoms would not leave her body even though she tried hard to get rid of them. And one day when she had to leave work she was in so much pain. That was when she started to realize that there was something seriously wrong with her health. It was not anything she could just shrug off and ignore anymore, Her mother suggested that it would be wise to consult a doctor.

Consulting The Doctors

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When the symptoms became too troublesome to ignore, Yasmin, being advised by her mother finally decided to contact a doctor. She wanted to get to the bottom of all these health complications she was suffering from. The doctors examined her and then she was diagnosed with exhaustion. She was instructed to take some time off work. But little did everyone know, her doctors were wrong…

Symptoms Persist
Something Wasn't Right

Since Yasmin had no clue that her condition was way more serious than what the doctors told her, she obeyed her doctors. Following the orders that the doctors she consulted had given her, Yasmin did not hesitate to take some time off of her work to get some rest. She thought it would have done her some good and took the advice. Thinking her problems would disappear, Yasmin’s symptoms actually persisted.

Getting Worse

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Imagine the kind of confusion she would have felt after finding out that her efforts to stay healthy were not translating. In fact, her condition worsened day by day which was strange. She revealed about her odd symptoms in an interview she gave later, “I was literally walking the distance of a room before I had to stop walking. My exercise routine went from healthy to non-existent.”