Pigeon from the WWII

Almost all of us are aware that the earliest communication tool was the pigeons. A family while cleaning the chimney of his house at England found a coded message attached to the skeleton of a carrier pigeon. The message was for the British Army being sent by the enemy lines at the Bletchley Park in Surrey. The bird never reached the destination and this message lied in a chimney for decades.

The Nazi Art

Around 1500 paintings created by renowned artists namely Picasso, Renoir, Matisse, and Chagall went missing during the time of the Dresden bombing in 1945. These were later located at an apartment situated at Munich. These were lying behind tons of rotten food. These billion worth of artworks were taken into the custody by the Nazis. however, these are now being returned to their actual possessors.

Lards From WWII

Another piece from the World War II surfaces. Tons of barrels of lards were found at the  Scottish beach after St. Cyrus Natural Reserve was struck by a storm. However, the barrels broke but the lard was still intact. This lard was seen at the seashore when a merchant ship was bombed during the war and since then it had been washing off for years.

The Lost Battlefield

A battlefield which is believed to date back to the World War II has been discovered in the jungles of Papua New Guinea in 2010. This battlefield still has some utilities belonging to the Japanese soldiers and is also the same place where the last battle between Australia and Japan was fought. This place was abandoned by the locales as the spirits of the deceased soldiers were believed to be roaming there.

Super Submarine

Japanese super-submarine named I-400 which was lost since 1946 give evidence of its existence. A large similar looking submarine has been located at the southwest coast of Oahu under 2,300 feet of water. It was believed that this submarine was the largest and the most advanced piece of technology of its time. Another striking feature was that this submarine could go onto circling one and a half rounds of earth and won’t demand to refuel. This submarine was under the U.S custody after the end of World War II.

Silver Worth $36 Million

Nazis attacked a British merchant ship in the year 1941. There were various speculations about this attack. After almost seven decades that ship has been found about 300 miles off the coast of Ireland and 3 miles under the water. This was not it. The ship had 61 tons of silver which cost approximately $36 million. There were some 1574 bricks of silver which weighed around 1.8 million ounces.