Longest Ever
So far, no search operation had lasted for this long but Austin’s search was going on even after 11 days. People were losing hope especially the rangers as they were aware of how difficult it was to survive in the forest conditions but not Brooke and Hubert.
“But that is a very difficult area to hike. There is a lot of steep gorges in that area. There are several waterfalls in that area. So just saying he hiked down the creek sounds like it’s easy. It’s not,” stated Chief Ranger Steve Kloster.
Emergency Case
“From day one, we treated the search for Austin as an emergency and appreciate the resources from across the region that came to our aid to help us actively and aggressively search through extremely tough terrain. We faced multiple challenges, including a moving target in dense conditions, but our search teams never gave up hope,” said Park Chief Ranger Steve Kloster.
Keeping The Hopes High

As the 12th day was above their heads, the teams were supposed to make a big decision. Was it the time for them to call off the dogs and the rangers? They were thinking of the reasons like Park Ranger Steve mentioned, “He’s young; he’s in shape, there’s all kinds of water out there.”
Time To Give Up?
So, right when the authorities thought it was time to give up the search, the incredible moment happened. Austin walked out of the woods without a single scratch on his body! When the Rangers called his mother to inform about it, that was one moment that she will never forget.
Emotional Moment
Brooke hugged the Smoky Mountains Ranger, Les Kwiatkowski and the moment was caught on the camera. She was overwhelmed and her eyes longed to see her son. But everyone was surprised and wanted to know what kept him alive for 11 days.
Let Him Rest!
“I think the focus is clearly on reuniting Austin with his family and his health. We are all anxious to learn about his 11-day ordeal, but I don’t expect any news tonight,” stated the ranger who asked the media to wait to listen to the boy’s story.