Skye Terrier

skyeThese are one of the most lovable and magnificent looking breeds of dog. They are extremely vigilant and brave, that is why serve as watchdogs. Greyfriars Bobby, a dog of this breed stood by the side of his master’s grave in order to protect him and is one of the most famous. There is even a statue of him near the cemetery.

Old English Sheepdog

sheepdogWith a unique characteristic shaggy coat all over his body, the Old English Sheepdog is a dog known for its activeness, intelligence, and highly obedient nature. Though they are kept as pets today, originally they used to aid farmers in driving sheep and cattle. They are a highly loyal breed of dogs.


bullmastiffThe Bullmastiff breed of dogs is ironically very large in size but low when it comes to the amount of energy he has. Despite, this fact they are known to be very loyal and highly protective of nature. They have an incredible amount of strength and are very brave. They don’t need a lot of exercises and mostly stay indoors.


puliThe picture of this dog is sufficient enough for anyone to guess the uniqueness of this dog. Well, Pulis need a lot of care obviously because of the amazing hair coat they possess. They are known for their intelligence and loyal nature but sometimes can act very stubborn making it a difficult breed to train. They need to go outdoors frequently.

Giant Schnauzer

Giant-Schnauzer1The Giant Schnauzer as the name suggests is a magnificent and large breed of dogs. They require loads of training and serve as very good guard dogs. They are known to be very loyal but at the same hand are very aggressive and stubborn. They need a lot of space in order to be trained properly.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

rhodesian-ridgeback-u4The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a unique breed of dogs. Though, generally known as a calm and adorable dog who does not bark often, can turn very aggressive and bark profusely if they sense any danger to their master. They need a lot of exercises and are a very tough breed of dogs to train.