Cocker Spaniel
A relatively quiet breed of dogs, the Cocker Spaniel can weigh around 24 to 28 pounds. Hailing from America, this dog initially used to work as field hunters in England. It can live up to 12-15 years and are known to be very friendly and loving. Their size varies from small to medium and is extremely loyal. They are known for their compact body structure and are highly active.
This breed of dog is very energetic a must have if you intend to take your dog in a competition. This breed has originated in France and used to be a dog for the royalty. It weighs only 4 to 9 pound and can live up to 12 to 18 years. They are very loyal and cheerful breed of dogs. Apart from that, they are known to be very obedient.
Fox Terrier
This breed is small in size and can live up to 10 to 15 years. They are very friendly and interactive in nature. Due to their small size, they weigh only around 12 to 15 pounds. Having its origin in England it was used as a hunting dog. They are very smart and active creatures.
Irish Wolfhound
Hailing from South Ireland, these dogs are very loyal and are very big in size. They can weigh around 115 to 180 pounds. But, this means that their lifespan is very less, as they can live for only 6-10 years. They are a very dignified breed of dogs.
Doberman Pinscher
They are known for their ferocious personality and their size can vary from medium to large.They are simply called Doberman and originated from Germany. They weigh around 60-100 pounds and are a very obedient and loyal breed of dogs. It was a German tax collector named Karl Louis Doberman who is responsible for their origin. They were first used as guard dogs. They are known for their very strong bite.
People of Hungary consider it a national treasure. They look more like sheep rather than a dog. They are known to be the most loyal breed of dogs. They are extremely big in size and can weigh up to 130 pounds. They are white in color and are very loving and love to remain independent. They are also called as mop dogs and were initially used to guard flocks.