
20_Samoyed-HuskyThis breed from Siberia has a thick, double layer coat of white fur because of the fact that it has bred in a very cold region. It weighs only 50 – 60 pounds but looks very big due to its white fur. It got its name from the Samoyedic people and is very active and playful. They are known to be strong-willed and are a very loyal breed.

Great Dane

great-dane-AP-1MN8SV-645sm8513Another dog with German origin, the Great Dane is very friendly and loyal creatures. It weighs around 99 to 200 pounds and is known for being the tallest among all breed of dogs. They don’t live much as the maximum span is 6 to 8 years. Amazingly, the cartoon character Scooby-Doo was its replication. Initially, they were used as hunting dogs. Not to forget the fact that they are very friendly and loyal.

Golden Retriever

resting-golden-retrieverThis breed from England has magnificent looks credit to its long golden hair. This dog weighs around 55 to 75 pounds and demands a lot of care. They are known to be very reliable and need regular exercise. They can live up to 10 to 12 years and easily develop a bond with children. Surprisingly, it was originally used to retrieve game.

Jack Russell Terrier

jack-russell-terrier-ap-pznqfk-645sm1416This dog only adds to the long list of dogs having its origin in England. But this one is a very old breed and are also called as Parson Russell Terrier. They have a live span of 14-16 years and weigh around 14-18 pounds. Originally used as a hunting dog, they are known for being very brave and vocal. They possess a very smooth coat all over their body and are generally white in color.

French Bulldog

French-bulldog-puppy-P9These dogs have a characteristic ear which stands totally erect. Known for being very friendly these dogs live up to 10 to 12 years and are very small in size. They are a mix breed of England bulldogs and French ratting dogs. This dog has very short hairs and can be seen in many colors. They are very vigilant and adorable at the same time. Surely a good friend to have.


Chihuahua-2This extremely tiny breed of dogs has a lifespan of 10 to 18 years. Originally from Mexico, these dogs are extremely adorable and weigh only about 4-6 pounds. Since the Aztecs used to eat dogs it is possible that they didn’t have a very good past but now they make a wonderful friend and pet for humans. They are known to be very pacey and determined.