Love is a funny thing. One day you are head over heels, ready to die for your partner, then a few years pass by and your love life feels like a routine. Your daily activities become mundane and all you end up doing is the same thing- getting up, going to work and coming back home to sleep. Erik and Brittany Mallasch of Anchorage, Alaska needed a change from their monotonous lifestyle…
Unexpected Gesture
One fine day, Erik stopped his wife from getting ready to go for work. As she was already getting ready, she found this request quite amusing as he had never asked her to do such a thing. She was actually laughing at his strange request. Why would he all of a sudden tell her something like this? He unexpectedly gave her a tiny bag with a not present in it. She was quite surprised.
If anyone has been in a long steady relationship, you would understand that sometimes, life tends to get a little boring and dull. Since you have been together for a long time, it’s easy to fall into a routine and to feel like the things you do for each other are just duties. So the romance and the thrill of it all sometimes loses its essence.
Erik And Brittany
If you ask this couple, they will tell you that they are fairly aware of this transition that takes places in a relationship. For Erik Mallasch and his wife, Brittany who live in Anchorage, Alaska, this change in their personal life was something that could not be silently ignored. In the end, this inspired Erik to finally do something surprising.
Dedicated To Family Needs
These two had been dating for a while and decided to take their relationship one step further by marrying each other back in the year 2006. They are now proud parents of three young children. Erik and Brittany, are now devoted parents, who spend most of their time trying to better their family’s livelihood and providing their basic necessities.
Change In Priority
So just like most parents, these two slowly became more concerned about their kids, putting the effort that needed to be put on their love life on hold. They would prioritize their work more than themselves and their relationship because all they cared about was making their kids happy. As man and wife, their love life was slowly starting to dull down.
The Naked Carpenter
Erik is someone who is truly unique and different from typical dads. He worked as a carpenter while taking care of his very own YouTube channel. On YouTube, he took up the name and works as ‘The Naked Carpenter’. He loves his craft and would do anything to provide for his family. Carpentry had always been an important part of his life.