Hard Work Always Pays Off

“Everybody can whine and cry about stuff. Critics are so easy to find—you can’t swing a dead cow without hitting one,” Brad had told the interviewers, talking about good things take time and effort. The people working for Tankchair believe that they should take pride in finding solutions to debilitating problems. They get a gush of exhilaration when they hear about these stories.

Thankful People

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Even though the work is tedious and they have to sacrifice so many hours, in the end, they feel that their hard work is all worth it. Stories about Liz, Betty Jean, and Chris are obvious examples that there are people who are grateful every day for creators like Brad. Since they have all been given a new chance to be happy and live life to the fullest, the team feels content in the end.

Helping Multiple People

You can actually look at videos of the Tank chairs being used in action. It is actually enjoyable to see them blast through mud puddles and glide through water and snow. We can guarantee you that your face will light up when you see Brad’s awesome work improving so many people’s lives and mainly his wife Liz. He can certainly be considered a savior in a way, for so many disabled Americans.

All For Love

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They say that in order to achieve something great and meaningful, all you need is an idea. We should remember that the Tankchair was created out of one man’s wish to see his wife smiling and happy again. This certainly makes it all the more special. If Brad had not dedicated his time to working on this multipurpose wheelchair, then none of this would have been possible. It is all due to true love and a brilliant idea.