Inside Wonders

backyard-blast-shelter-421It would have been extremely foolish of them if they had not removed the old staircase and place their a brand new one without the risk of collapsing due to loads of rust on it.

Secret Stairways

10John took a look at the blueprints of the structure he had. After looking at it he became sure of the fact that they were going to enter a bomb shelter made years ago. Well, the person who had built it might be thinking of protecting himself from disaster or apocalypse of some sort surely.

The Starting Of Revelations!

Jon worked in the fire department which had made him an expert in rescuing people from confined spaces such as the one in which they were. What John and his friends witnessed first made them realize that the man who had created this had was fully aware of all the basic things needed to survive in such a situation.

A Better View

This image can give you a clear idea of the view that the crew had after entering the “bunker”. They could not believe their eyes that it was still in good condition even after so many years and is located so deep inside the earth. It was made in a dome shape with arched doorways.

To The Ceiling

backyard-blast-shelter-491-664x498The next thing they witnessed was the falling apart fiberglass on the ceiling. They knew it immediately needed to be fixed as it can be harmful if coming in contact with bare skin and can even have an adverse impact on lungs.

Removed It

They immediately removed the fiberglass and what was left of the ceiling is evident from the image. They realized that apart from discovering even stranger things from the dome they had the task of remodeling and renovating it.