The Interior Found

This was the complete view of the interior of the structure that they had been renovating all day long. They realized that it was not that impressive, but, had plans of turning it into something impressive and worthy to watch.

Marveling At History

backyard-blast-shelter-461John was able to witness the result of his team’s hard work and patience which they had managed to display throughout the day. He still could not believe his eyes that all of this was inside his house for all these years.

More To Do

Jon later revealed his amazement after finding a treasure of this weird kind that too in his own backyard. He has promised to move forward with this project and officially finish it one day. Yes, with his friends sticking around with him.

New Construction

They again got to work this time to give the structure a final touch of stability which was extremely important above the cosmetic and fancy looks they had provided it. The image is evident of the work they had started to do in the structure.

Getting Closer

They worked on the design and have come with some improvements and adjustments in the structure to give it a more compact and secure look. The entry and exit to the tunnel have also been made a lot easier.

Future Plans

Well, talking about the future Jon says that he will look forward to restoring the bunker completely and is trying to give it a look at the time it was made. He has promised to keep everyone updated on the progress.