A man had been living in his house in Arizona with his family since years. Living in a house for very long makes it an important member of the family too one with whose each and every corner the members are acquainted with. But, in this particular case, the owner of the house was left shocked to discover something unbelievable and sinister from the depth of his own backyard years after he had started living in it. The discovery has changed his life totally. See how?

A Man From Arizona

Reddit user John Sims is a homeowner in Tucson, Arizona. Going by the name of “Captantarcitca” on the website, this man created a revelation when he wrote that he found something extremely eerie and strange on digging the backyard of his house. But, what had sprouted the idea of digging the backyard in his mind and yeah, what had he discovered after all?

 A Lid To Protect It

6After digging deeper down, he witnessed that the object he had struck earlier was actually a metal lid! Now the mystery had intensified even more for John. He had to dig very deep all around in order uncover the extremely heavy metal lid. But, what was this lid actually covering? John had a similar question in the mind of which he was going to receive the most peculiar response very soon…

 Tunnel To The Other World

11He had found the blueprints of the area, but they were not accurate enough to give John an idea of the tunnel and staircase. After going inside and taking a look around, he realized that the structure had been built and abandoned years ago. There was an air of discomfort and spookiness which he was able to feel after taking the very first step. The sight he witnessed next only added to the eerieness of the place.

Was There A Hidden Treasure?

18It had been years since the structure was abandoned which increased the level of work that the men had to do manifold. But, yeah, as it is known that hard work always pays off, the group of friends was going to witness something extremely amazing and unbelievable after the patience and grit they were displaying by digging all day.

Even A Bigger Discovery

They again got to work this time to give the structure a final touch of stability which was extremely important above the cosmetic and fancy looks they had provided it. The image is evident of the work they had started to do in the structure.