No One Available

So at that beach, since no one was there to save the person who was having trouble swimming back to shore, Zac had to take initiative though it was his wedding day. And if this was any other situation, there would be a coast guard or a lifeguard to take care of such water rescues. Since there was another group having trouble at the same beach, Zac had to jump in and help.
A Drowning Man
So did Zac become successful in saving this person in need? Well, he made use of his powerful legs swimming across the strong waves of the ocean to get to the drowning man. When he swam closer to him, Zac heard him scream, “ I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!” Zac then finally got to the man who could not save himself from the strong currents. He grabbed his wrist tight so he did not float away.
Just In Time

The two of them then held onto the boogie board and started swimming towards the shore. Since the current was way too strong, Zac could see that he was not making any progress no matter how hard he tried. There was nothing he could do. But luckily, the Orange Beach Fire Department and Beach Surf rescue made it just in time for the two to be rescued.
Zac sacrificed his own life for his mission but now Zac was also caught by the strong currents. They were fortunately saved by a jet ski owned by the Beach Surf Rescue department. They headed back to the shore as the jet ski’s motor churned loudly. The jet ski hurried to the wedding crowd that had huddled together waiting to see how things went. The crow cheered when they realized they came back safe and sound.
Who Did He Save?
When Zac and the person he went to save came back, all action was paused. It had bee about half an hour when Zac’s mission left his family and friends on the edge. There was a unanimous sigh of relief coming from the long stretch of people waiting. Zac then came out of the jet ski to show everyone he was fine. The person he saved was a guy called Jamel Robinson. He was an 18-year-old all the way from Alabama.
Safe To Shore
So as soon as Zac and Jamel arrived safely to land, everyone ran to offer help in whatever way they can. Zac then saw his wife Cindy who rushed into the water to whom he told to stay back. He was actually trying to save her new wedding dress from getting wet or get a stain from some of the blood that spilled. Zac had not refocused from saving the guy to get back into wedding mode. He did not want to disappoint his loved ones.