Services Lined Up

Soon the place got thronged with Emergency services and Matata Volunteer Fire Brigade. Jessica still had her heart in her mouth. She still could not believe that their son had gone through so much while they were sleeping.

A Blessing

A Blessing

Jessica opened up when asked how did she feel when she heard the news, “I don’t think my heart [beat] from hearing that to seeing him. I don’t think my heart worked.” The baby recovered soon and got discharged from Whakatāne Hospital. 

A Miracle

The doctor themselves admitted that the boy surviving the ordeal was nothing less than a miracle. The boy was recovering quickly. Moreover, it came as a surprise to the doctors that he survived those minutes in the water.   

A Missed Connection

Hutt explained, “[Later] I followed his tracks down to the beach and saw his little footprints in the sand where he walked in. It was about 15m away from where I had my rod, so he wasn’t in the water long. I must’ve just missed seeing him go in.” But that is not the end of the story. 

A Cheeky Fella

Jessica and Josh went to Hutt’s house to thank him again for saving their little boy. “He was wriggling trying to get down to have a look at everything, he was just a lovely, cheeky little fella,” said Hutt. Luckily, Malachi wasn’t permanently damaged in any way from his dangerous adventure in the ocean.

Lucky Result

Everyone was stunned. The co-owner of the camp, Rebecca Salter said, “It was a very, very lucky result.” “It could have been a very tragic incident. It’s a freakish miracle.” Indeed, it was nothing short of a miracle.