River Monsters

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Once the water rose up to her waist, she was scared that her open wounds might invite piranhas but luckily the flow of water was too fast for the predators. More than a week passed but there was no sign of human life.

Don’t Fear The Reptiles

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On the river shore, Juliane saw a crocodile resting. To her surprise, even the reptile wasn’t bothered by her presence. Juliane too knew that reptiles who have never encountered humans before don’t even attack them until anything triggers them. After crossing the reptile, she noticed something similar to the shape of a boat. But was it?

Deteriorated Physical Stateplane crash amazon

After wandering for 10 days in the jungle, Juliane found a boat and instead of stealing someone’s boat, she just used some gasoline to disinfect her open wounds. And not long after she thought to continue walking again, she saw a hut.

Slipping Through Delirium

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Juliane couldn’t walk any further. She decided to wait inside the hut for help to arrive. As she was starving, she tried to catch a few frogs but they were too slippery for that. Things happen for a reason and this was the proof of it. As she wasn’t able to see clearly, she didn’t notice that the frogs she was trying to catch were actually poison-dart frogs.

Rescuedjuliane koepcke

11 days after the Christmas eve, three local Peruvian Indian tree-cutters found her sleeping in the hut. As soon as she explained everything in Spanish, the tribals disinfected her wounds. It was more than 3 hours of journey in their boat to the nearest village.

Bittersweet Reunionjuliane koepcke plane crash

It was an emotional moment when she reunited with her father who had lost all the hopes of her return. With her help, the authorities were able to locate the crash location. She was the lone survivor from the plane crash. But the later discoveries might break your heart. 14 other passengers were able to make it alive to the surface after the crash, they died waiting to be rescued.