
Louise Wise Services separated the twins on purpose just to study the effects of their separation. In 2017, director Lori Shinseki released a documentary on this ugly truth about the agency, and that is when Doug and Howard were made aware of it. 

Ugly Truth

“They decided to separate these twins and triplets, place them in different families, and never told the families that they had adopted a half of a twin set or a third of a triplet set,” said Lori Shinseki, a documentarian.

The Strategy

“What they did was they told the families that this baby is in an adoption study. ‘If you want the baby, we would like to continue studying the child.’ And, of course, the families would do anything,” said Shinseki. 

Fraudulent Agency

“To do what they decided to do,” Doug said. “It’s just wrong. What they did was really, really wrong. The more stuff I read, the more wrong it seems and the more upsetting it gets.” A lot of lives have suffered because of this one plan of the agency. 


“Humans are not data… People in power have to be very careful to remember that you can really affect someone’s life, in ways that you just didn’t even mean to,” Shinseki concluded after researching and finding out that some of the children who were involved in the study suffered serious mental health issues and even committed suicide. 

Permanent Loss

Because of a fraud strategy of an agency as reputed as Louise Wise Services, a lot of children have lost the kind of childhood that their biological parents must have thought of for them. “It would have been awesome growing up together, but I believe we were both very lucky and are not looking backward,” Howard said.