Any Other Day
The day was just like any other one at the airport. There were announcements for the flights taking off, there was chaos at the security line, passengers were moving from one counter to the other, and there were checks at the luggage deposit counter. This is what everything happened there. It was a usual sight for Ivelise until she overheard the confusion at a spot ahead of her in the security line. Rico was bidding a heart-filled adieu to his ladylove Ivelise just when they heard some confusion making noise, few places ahead of Ivelise in that security line. It was a strange sight as the officers were asking a man to give away or throw something in the trash. However, Ivelise didn’t know that her trip to Pittsburgh would turn into an unforgettable one due to this airport experience.
The Mysterious Man
Rico closely inquired about the matter. He saw an old man engaged into an argument with the security officer over a piece of a package found in his luggage. The man was being asked to throw away that package before boarding the flight and depositing his luggage. As a responsible citizen of the country, the old man was expected to corporate but he refused to do so. Rico and Ivelise had no clues how this package belonging to a stranger would impact their lives in a way unexpected.
Stringent Laws
Since September 2011, The Transportation Security Authority in the United States changed certain laws and have incorporated more stringent ones in its place. Rules for flying have been modified to a great extent and passengers were prohibited from carrying any random stuff. There have been instances when even a toothpaste was not allowed to be carried. However, there was a help the airport authorities could provide.
Something Ordinary
Rico was expecting something extraordinary from the package. And why not, after all, it was prohibited from the airport’s security check and neither was it allowed to be kept and claimed from the lost and found counter. The much talked of the packet contained nothing but a mere ordinary looking snowglobe. The moment Rico was laughing at himself for struggling this much to find just a snowglobe, he saw something more.
A Special Message
As Rico flipped the snowglobe, he saw a message engraved upon it. It read, “We love you Katie, Nana, and Papa, 1/25/2016”. After reading the message Rico was sure that the couple had specially got it customized for the girl in that picture. All these disclosures were making the old man’s reaction to it clear. He might have got it for the little girl and maybe before even presenting it to her, he had to part ways with it.