Twist Of Fate
In life, we know that nothing lasts forever. Even the most beautiful things and precious moments need to end. Hence, even Becca and Mason’s happy life took a turn for the worst when something tragic happened. When they thought nothing could go wrong, Mason Sr. fell terribly ill. He was severely sick and soon the doctors found out that he had heart disease.
Failing Health
And so even after finding out that he was living with heart disease, Mason knew that he did not want to make others around him suffer. He especially did not want Becca to hurt because of his sickness. His health was deteriorating rapidly but Mason wished to stay as normal as he possibly could. He wanted to remain this way for his family’s sake.
To Remain Unaffected
Even after learning about the severity of his job, Mason wanted to keep working and not stop his daily routine. As Mason was continuing to go to his work as a carpenter, he wanted to stay unaffected by his disease. But as we all know how serious heart diseases are, Mason would have to accept the fact that his ways would not work for long.
Passing Away
Even after he refused to give up working, Mason’s heart disease ended up being too much to ignore. After he received the best possible treatment he could receive, Mason, unfortunately, passed away. His tragic death happened when he was at the age of 51. His heart disease took over his body until it was too much for him. He left his wife and son behind…
Leaving Them Shocked
As we said, Mason wanted his disease to not affect him too badly. He made sure to stay as positive as he could but the illness spread quicker than anyone expected. It progressed so fast that he died from it in a matter of days. So when he passed away, he left the whole family in utter shock. Everyone had a little glimmer of hope that things would turn out fine…
Cooking Up A Plan
So after being diagnosed with heart disease and trying hard to fight back, Mason could not escape his death. So since Mason was always keen on making the other people around him happy, he was clear that he wanted to give them something to smile about in the midst of all this. He was certain that there would be some kind of gesture he could leave his family with.