Daily Errands
Just put yourself in his shoes. If you had spent about 60 years together with someone, you would definitely feel like one right? Billie and Jimmy have spent all this time, been through all the ups and downs, so for her to be taken away was harsh news for Jimmy. So when Jimmy had gone to do his everyday errands, he took out his wallet to clarify that he had all that he needed.
A Piece Of Paper
So when he held his wallet to check what was inside, Jimmy did not expect to find anything strange. But when he checked the insides, he found a piece of paper that was not supposed to be there. It got him a little confused to have found this small chit of paper. This was actually a note sent to him by someone. So whoever could have kept it there?
A Letter For Jimmy
So when Jimmy realized after checking his wallet that there was a piece of paper, he was surprised and curious. He could not recall himself placing any note inside his wallet so he got confused a bit. And when he checked what it was, he saw that this was a letter for him. He had to take a few minutes to breathe and relax before opening the letter…
From His Late Wife
So who wrote the note for him? It turns out, Jimmy’s wife had actually left the note for him in his wallet. And since his late wife was an excellent note-writer when she was still around, as soon as he saw the note from her, it made him tear up. He could sense her presence there with him and he felt like she was right there with him. This is what the note said…
The Letter
So what did the wife have to say to her dear husband whom she had to leave behind? Well, when Jimmy read the note kept in his wallet by his dear wife, he was touched. Billie had so much to say to him, but she kept it short and sweet, “Please don’t cry because I died! Smile because I lived! Know that I’m in a happy place! Know that we will meet again! I will see you there!”
Words To Smile About
So, Billie had left a message for her soulmate in his wallet that showed how much she appreciated him, encouraging him to see the good in the misfortune that he had to deal with. It was in a way, her effort to console him because she knew he would miss her an unbearable lot. It would have made anyone smile to read such calming words right?