
David tried convincing his children by saying that they would get an opportunity to see a dinosaur if they join him. Both the boys agreed to his father and prepared themselves for the upcoming adversities. 

The Trio

The trio started with clearing the dirt away from the bone. The children efficiently followed the instructions of their father and tried observing their father’s way of working.


While the trio was engrossed in clearing the bones, something unusual happened. They kept on revealing more and more bones. The night sky stretched but the trio could not succeed in getting a whole lot of bones out. After making sure the sight was kept a secret, they headed back home.

The Size

On uncovering the bones, it was the size that baffled David. He exclaimed, “it’s about the size of a cow.” Bones were massive which made it tough to keep the site a secret.

Why Hide?

The question that arises was why David wanted to hide the site or keep it a secret? It was because rare fossils are valuable and can attract robbers who are in search of big money. In order to keep the fossils safe, the site has to be a secret. 


One hundred million years ago, the entire region was one giant mud pit on the bottom of an inland sea. That meant the creature, despite being found in the middle of Montana, was likely aquatic.