Coy-dog, a rare occurrence!
Nicole was quick to point out, that it actually wasn’t the first occurrence of a dog integrating into the ranks of the coyote pack. “It’s not unheard of. There are ‘coy dogs’ out there, coyote-dog hybrids, this happens when dogs and coyotes mate.” but it was a really uncommon occurrence, not many people have seen this in their lifetime. But as it turns out, there’s a justification as to why Dogs aren’t usually a member of a coyote pack.
This pack of coyotes was an exceptional one
To put it bluntly, coyotes aren’t exactly the Mother Teresa to canines, in the matter of trust and acceptance. They are often terrified of humans and other big dogs. Due to them being hunted down by the same. So, they usually try and keep their distance from them. It’s just a part of their survival instincts. In this case thou, Kingston coyotes could have been a curious and accepting bunch.
Trapping the pooch!
Even though this pup had found a place in this pack, Asher and Nicole were quite confident that a coyote pack is no place for a dog and this little furball will be much happier playing in someone’s backyard. Then he wouldn’t have to go around searching for food every night or look for a companion to give him some belly scratches. So Nicole decided to set a trap to wrangle this pooch.
Wasn’t Done Yet
They both had noticed that this furry little guy used to constantly circle a certain spot in the field. They decided to set up a feeding station based off of this observation. With the help of a camera, they were able to monitor every movement of this pooch. It didn’t take long before this dog showed up. Smelling all the delicious food near him, He was heading straight for this, all you can eat buffet. But could Nicole really separate this guy from the coyotes?
He got caught and didn’t even realize
Now that this dog had been well conditioned to come to this spot for his dinner every time, Nicole was ready to set the trap. Fortunately for the two of them, it only took them two tries before the stray walked into the trap, there wasn’t any struggle. While he was enjoying his meal, unaware he had been caught in the trap. Nicole headed out to the location to greet this naive fellow.
Wiley the coyote DOG!
Now that this pup was caught and thankfully separated from the menacing crowd of the coyotes, Nicole decided that it was time for this little guy to have a name. Wiley had a nice ring to it, she thought. Wiley was then taken to Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge (RBARI) in Oakland, New Jersey for further medical assessment. As expected, after hanging out with the coyotes for such a long time, Wiley was a complete mess.