There are some architectural geniuses that make one awe at the human capability and then there are structures that make one facepalm at human stupidity. Get ready to facepalm every 10 seconds because we have compiled the best/worst architectural fails for you.

 Stairway To Hogwarts?

These stairs are pretty nicely made but they are quite useless unless of course at some particular time of the year at some particular time of the day there opens the secret portal that transfers one to Hogwarts or some other alternate dimensional world. Otherwise, the one who constructed this is plain 4

Down The Rabbit Hole?

Does this hole lead to the wonderland Alice went to? If not then was the hole constructed after the slide was built or was the slide built in accordance with the hole? So many questions and no answers. One thing is for sure the person who constructed either the slide or the hole does not like kids. Like, at 27

Is This A Gate Or A Joke?

The expression of the second dude says it all about the redundancy of this good for nothing gate. He is wondering why the other dude is even bothering to ring the bell when he can just come around the bushes. Even if a wall is built on the other side, like it should have been in the first place, the gate would still be useless as the wall is of a short height and easy to climb 9

Window Door

So people know that there is something odd about this door. This must surely be the house of an introvert who did not want a proper entry or exit to their place. In any case, it makes for a good picture to be posted on the social media and be talked about which is what this dude would have surely done. This one is still less of a fail than others on this list, one can still imagine climbing up and down of this door. construction 3

It Needed To Be Said

According to the mural, this is the downtown Wabash, Indiana which is the center for  “arts, entertainment, dining, boutiques, and antiques.” So this door could be a practical rendition of an abstract idea and there could be another door to the actual entrance. Or so we hope. Because if this is the only door, there ain’t going to be no buyers at this 19

Nook And Crooked Corners

The crooked window makes one wonder if the flat is crooked too. This is going to be really painful for an OCD person to watch. I don’t have OCD and it upset my sense of aesthetics. Now if the window on the other extreme of the line is tilted the other way then we could call the construction artistic. But the question is, what happened here, did the architect lose their measurement scales or what?construction 21

More Holes Than Needed

Within the scope of this picture are 9 visible manholes in less than 50 meters. There is no knowing how many more of these are there on the road. Did someone put them there just to make it an incredibly annoying ride for the drivers or do these actually connect with the sewer underground? And if the latter is true then the network down there must be really intricate. Or is this a way of keeping the public in doubt and someone is using one of these as a secret staircase to some location. Would anyone dare climb down these to find out?construction 6

Pole In The Middle

Hope this is not a frequented road by drivers because if it is, I can’t even imagine how many cars would have hit this pole not just in the night but also during the day. Were the people installing it unhappy with the government? Were they too lazy to figure out a way to get the pole out of the road? This is no joke though, someone could seriously get hurt because of 5

The Fourth Wall

You know how in theaters they talk about the metaphoric fourth wall? Well here is a literal representation of it. I just wanna know how much do these seat tickets cost? Or do they even cost anything? Do the innocent people who buy the tickets know what they are going to look at or not look at?construction fails

Power Down

Looking at all these constructions do you think architects commit some of these blunders on purpose? Are they frustrated with society or just like playing practical pranks? What else can explain the installation of a power station right in the middle of the train tracks? Isn’t the train going to bulldoze it down and blow up everything in a 50-yard radius?construction 24

House Of An Athlete

Assuming that the door actually opens up to the room, the only person we can think of it belonging to is an athlete who is vigilant and always remembers to take the jump. Imagine waking up in the night for a glass of water, opening the door and forgetting there is no ground outside… construction-fails-25

Prototype Basin

I think it is more the fault of the owner who got this basin installed than the person who fixed it. Did they not see the size of it before approving it for installation? Even a bird can’t fit in here comfortably to take a bath, let alone a normal human-sized hand. Who are these small basins made for anyway? Snowhite’s Dwarfs?construction-fails-13