Have you heard of Richard Sandrak? Well, if you don’t, we don’t blame you because he is more popularly known as “Little Hercules.” He gained fame because as an 8-year-old boy, he had the most astoundingly sculpted body in the world. His determination and vigorous workout is something even adult bodybuilders would fail to execute. So let’s get behind what made Richard mold his body like that and what he is upto these days…

Born In Ukraine

Way back on April 15 in the year 1992, Richard Sandrak was welcomed into this world in the country of Ukraine. He was born to world championship holder in the art of combat, Pavel Sandrak, and aerobics athlete Lena Sandrak. By the year 1994, his parents decided to uproot the family, moving to Pennsylvania. They did all this because they hoped that it would give a better opportunity in life for their son.

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Time To Compete

So soon after, the hard work paid off. He was gaining more and more fame and hence he received the title “LIttle Hercules” at the gym he joined. He had been working really hard to shape his body and mold it in the best condition possible. Soon after, his father wanted him to compete in shows and competitions as he thought Richard would win for sure. Even though as a kid, Richard had never been forced against his will to train, there were a few things she cleared up later as an adult. He admits that he had done a few odd training exercises that seemed unnatural to him when he looks back. He says that his father would often eat pizza right in front of him and made him eat lettuce in order to master self-discipline.He was also made to sleep on the floor so as to improve his posture. There were other things that his father made Richard do that most parents would never be comfortable with making them do. To some parents, the things that the little boy had to perform. But even till today, Richard does not see them as anything less than normal.

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Worldwide Attention

So within a few amounts of time, Richard had already been popularized as “Little Hercules.” The little boy who had trained ever since he was just 2 years old was now a household name. There were so many people asking and questioning who and what Richard was all about. He even starred in a documentary called ‘The World’s Strongest Boy’ that revolved around his daily routine. There were a few concerns that started to grow on people after the documentary was aired. Many people found it absolutely shocking to find out that the little boy had zero percent of fats in his body. As a growing child, this was in no way good for his body. There was also a concern for the boy as he was clearly training too long each and every day. He had no time for himself.

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Richard Calls It Quits

His father going away, it was something that drastically made changes to the kind of life Richard was living. He decided that there were a few things he needed to change about his lifestyle. Since his mother was nothing like the person his dad was, Richard was now freer than ever. His mother supports his every decision and just wants him to do what makes him happy. So Richard now had a chance to have something that he had never had the pleasure of experiencing his whole life: living a normal life. Since he had been training ever since he was just 2 years of age, Richard did not know what he had been missing out on all those years. He was not able to live life like a normal teen, make friends and socialize. So at the age of 15, Richard had changed his daily routines to a 90-minute session workout for 5 days every week. His diet also changed since his bodybuilding days and now enjoys the pleasure of having scrumptious fast food snacks like pizza and soda.  His mentor Marco Garcia who stayed with them for a long time also played a crucial position in dialing his life back to normal.


Richard’s Profession

As Richard had grown up in the public eye and had been under media scrutiny all his life, he decided to take a break from everything. He had been MIA for a long time but finally decided to reveal what he had been doing for a while now. In an interview that Richard gave in 2015, he announced to the reporters that he had actually taken up a career as a Hollywood stuntman. Since he had been disciplined and had endured so much, today that Richard is strong would be an understatement, He had grown strong both physically and mentally. He is now working as a stuntman for Universal Studios and his job often required him to jump off of high structure and work with fire. He would often have to light himself up 5 times a day for huge crowds. When asked why he had taken up such a peculiar job, Richard gave a surprising answer. He likes that his job is not only very unique but also because of the fact that it is completely different from that job that he grew up having. He like that his new job is not as planned out as his old career. He loves that he gets surprises and new challenges every other day.
