A Summertime Christmas

Have you ever come across someone who is so sensitive to the topic of Christmas? We all have that person in our lives that gets super fussy over Christmas. Then there are people who take this to the next level. Many people feel like the decorations for Christmas should be kept only for the month of December. These people want others who like to spread the joy of Christmas even before the holidays start to stop what they are doing. They feel that decorations for Christmas should not come right after Halloween ends and that these decorations should not stay up until March. It is highly invasive for outsiders to try and control other people’s way of spending their holidays. There are also some folks that like to leave their decorations all year long and not re-decorate the next year. We cannot make up our minds if we agree or not…

How To Make Friends

You will always find that one protester who is just looking for the fun of it all in every march. These people use these protests in trying to find companions or ever lovers that they could perhaps spend quality time with.  This person carrying this particular signboard goes the extra mile and invites people to play some Scrabble after the whole protest is done. This person clearly feels like these protests are like any other social gatherings where it is acceptable for people to fish out new friends. Maybe playing Scrabble is the only thing that this person s good at so as to impress new people. We cannot make up our minds as to whether this is a brilliant way of making new friends or a very deceptive way of using the protest to gain attention. Anyway, do you think it worked at all?

We All Need A Little Cake

There would be no successful event if it was not for the availability of food. Anyone who has ever coordinated a get-together or an event would clearly know about this. As people, we all love to enjoy some good food wherever we go, whatever time it may be.  It is clear that during protests most of the participants would expect to get some free food for working towards achieving the goal. Because we are all so different from one another, some do not mind working for free while some always expect a reward of some sort. In this particular scene, we find that one of the protesters is not taking part for free. During a heated protest, this guy is carrying a poster that says that there was some information about the cake being available at the place of protest. Do you think there was any food served here ever?

The Final What?

In most cases, there is always a boiling point of some incident that pushes people to start protesting. There needs to be some sort of indication that points out that the protest must happen at some point. We all know that one cannot just randomly protest stuff without having data or information that backs up the outburst. This hilarious man decided to put a pun on this protest with a sign that reads “This is the last straw” with an actual straw attached. Obviously, this is a humorous way of approaching thing and we are certain that many people had a big laugh about this. We do hope that the comedy of all of this did not distract the public from the main topic/issue. If ever there is a march against any problem that has been going on for too long like an oppression or maltreatment, this would be a good way to grab some attention.

If Only It Were Hogwarts

The ideal institution to draw inspiration from would have to be from the beloved book of  Harry Potter. Although it is a fictional institution, it would not be so wrong to learn from the multiple good things it teaches us. Well, this does not mean that Hogwarts did not endure its fair share of issues.  It is most probable that the Malfoys had given certain donations and findings, with the remaining cost taken care of by the rest of the students. These kids were in fact faced with danger for their lives a couple of times. It is a little far-fetched to actually encourage people to try and follow the format of a school that has been made up in a children’s novel as it would never become practical. However, this person holding the signboard does not seem to think so. Look at he unapologetically holding it up with two hands.

All About The Timing

People who marvel at science and history often speak about the wonder of time traveling. It is a very unbelievable concept that many have tried to legitimize with ultimate failure. This dude here is obviously one of those people who refuse to believe in the impossible feat of time travel. He proudly holds up a sign that conveys that he wants to time travel and that he does not care about the specification about timing. We have been well informed about the paradox of time traveling as it would either mean we go to a time as ourselves or a version of ourselves. If ever such a thing as time travel were to exist, then we could right our wrongs or have second chances. It would be such an incredible tool to fix what we have never been able to so far. We will just have to wait and see if it ever happens…